Indeed, I’m nothing if not brave.
Fool: In truth thou speaketh, nothing.
King: I am of two minds about that comma.
Fool: Pray, pay it, sirrah, as is your custom, no mind.
Fool: In truth thou speaketh, nothing.
King: I am of two minds about that comma.
Fool: Pray, pay it, sirrah, as is your custom, no mind.
—The Fall of Fresno
It goes without saying that
when we hear
the bomb blast, I will not be
running towards
it with the heroes. Nor will I
step in front
of you to take a bullet.
Sorry. And in a thousand
smaller ways, I have long ago proven
the true
measure of this man. As you
well know,
I will leave one milliliter of
milk in the carton,
so as not to be the one tasked
with throwing it
out. I will snore a little
louder when we both
hear the dog whining to be let
out too early
in the morning. When we are
your favorite show about the
bachelor who
test-drives a showroom full of
women, you never hear the
caustic dialogue
running through my head, only the
passive-aggressive, “I’ll bet she would go
to the kitchen and get him a beer.” It goes
without saying that the kids
come to me
with their requests for later
curfews and greater
allowances, knowing I will fold
like a cheap suit.
So when I tell you I wish I
could take your place
in that hospital bed, tubes
snaking in and out
of you, wish it could be you
telling me the lame
joke about Death going into a
bar and the bartender
says, “what’ll you have?” and
Death says, “the guy
on the third barstool”—we both
know it has nothing
to do with self-sacrifice or a
greater tolerance
for pain, and everything to do
with going first,
with not being the one left
holding the bag
of all the days to come, left
to die a thousand times.(from MockingHeart Review, 2017)
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